Figures of speech

Hyperbole: An extravagant statement; to give emphasis or to give heightened effect exaggeration is done for it and this is

Oxymoron: When contradictory terms or words appear side by side, there will be always Oxymoron. 

Metaphor : Here comparison is not direct but indirect or not could be called as implied comparison between two unlike objects that actually have something important in common.

Lyric .A lyric is a short poem that expresses personal emotions or thoughts of the speaker.

Personification .In this figure of speech non – livings, objects, abstract ideas or qualities are spoken of as persons or human beings.

Irony. When one thing is said which means the exact opposite is Irony. On the other hand irony the words used suggest the opposite of their literal meaning.

Types of Poems ABC A poem that has five lines and creates a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines 1 through 4 are made up ofwords, phrases or clauses while the first word of each line is in alphabetical order. Line 5 is one sentencelong and begins with any letter. Acrostic Poetry that certain letters, usually the first in each line form a word or message when read in a sequence. Ballad A poem that tells a story similar to a folk tale or legend which often has a repeated refrain. Read moreabout ballads. Ballade Poetry which has three stanzas of seven, eight or ten lines and a shorter final stanza of four or five. Allstanzas end with the same one line refrain. Blank verse A poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter and is often unobtrusive. The iambic pentameter formoften resembles the rhythms of speech. Example: Alfred Tennyson's "Ulysses". Biography A poem written about one self's life, personality traits, and ambitions. Example: Jean Ingelow's "One Morning, Oh! So Early". Burlesque Poetry that treats a serious subject as humor. Example: E. E. Cummings "O Distinct".Canzone Medieval Italian lyric style poetry with five or six stanzas and a shorter ending stanza. Carpe diem Latin expression that means 'seize the day.' Carpe diem poems have a theme of living for today. Cinquain Poetry with five lines. Line 1 has one word (the title). Line 2 has two words that describe the title. Line 3has three words that tell the action. Line 4 has four words that express the feeling, and line 5 has one wordwhich recalls the title. Read more about cinquain poetry. Classicism Poetry which holds the principles and ideals of beauty that are characteristic of Greek and Roman art,architecture, and literature. Concrete Also known as "size poetry". Concrete poetry uses typographical arrangements to display an element ofthe poem. This can either be through re-arrangement of letters of a word or by arranging the words as ashape. Read more about concrete poetry. Couplet This type of poem is two lines which may be rhymed or unrhymed. Example: Walt Whitman's "To You". Dramatic monologue A type of poem which is spoken to a listener. The speaker addresses a specific topic while the listener unwittingly reveals details about him/herself.

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