TGT PGT quiz on Shakespear


1. The line “There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow” occurs in

ANSWER= (A) Hamlet
Explain:- SPEECH Hamlet to Horatio in Act V, Scene II in Hamlet. When Horatio warns Hamlet that he will lose the duel with Laertes, he reveals that he’s decided to give in to God’s “providence” i.e. fate. The reference to the “ fall of the sparrow is from Mathew 10.29 . Hamlet argues with Horatio that God controls everything even something as trivial as a sparrow’s death.


2. “The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance.” This line occurs in Shakespeare’s

ANSWER= (c) The Tempest
Explain:- this is Prospero’s speech in “ The Tempest” in Act V, Scene I. By this statement, subtle revelation after years of living in exile and plotting his return to Italy. The Tempest’s emphasis on mercy and forgiveness are hallmarks of Shakespeare’s “ romances” i. e. four plays (The Tempest, Pericles, The Winter’s Tale and Cymbeline) written late in the playwrights career. Prospero's capacity to forgive those who have betrayed him, Miranda’s empathy, Ariel’s mercy, and Gonzalo’s though fulness dramatize the triumph of the human spirit.


3. William Shakespeare belonged to the

ANSWER= (c) Elizabethan age
Explain:- William Shakespeare belonged to the Elizabethan Age. This age is remembered as the time of a great wave of English nationalism. The Renassaince in England coincided with the reign of Elizabeth –I who was the Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 until 1603-50. It is often referred to Elizabethan age or period. The arts flourished under Elizabeth-I. Her personal love for poetry, music and drama helped to establish a climate in which it was fashionable for the wealthy members of the Court. Shakespeare was known as the best playwrights during the age.


4. “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale/ Her infinite variety”.

ANSWER= (d) Antony and Cleopatra


5. Fortinbras is a character in Shakespeare's.

ANSWER= (c) Hamlet
Explain:- Fortinbras, a young man is a character in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”. S everal characters will reflect Hamlet, but Fortinbras is the first to be named in the play in whom we see a likeness to the Prince of Denmark.

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