One word substitution

One Word SubstitutionPhrase
MariticideThe killing of one's husband
ParricideThe killing of parents
GenocideThe killing of a whole race
InfanticideThe killing of a newborn child
RegicideThe killing of a king
HomicideThe killing of a human being
SuicideThe killing of oneself
PatricideThe killing of a father
MatricideThe killing of a mother
FratricideThe killing of one's brother
SororicideThe killing of one's sister
UxoricideThe killing of one's wife
DipsomaniaMorbid compulsion to keep on consuming alcohol
KleptomaniaMorbid compulsion to steal
BibliokleptomaniaMorbid compulsion to steal books
PyromaniaMorbid compulsion to start a fire
MegalomaniaMorbid delusion of power, importance or godliness
NymphomaniaMorbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a woman
SatyromaniaMorbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a man
MonomaniaA person with a one-track mind
MythomaniaThe compulsion to tell lies
ManiaMadness with an obsession with something

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