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New vacancy notification out
Mahatma Gandhi Antarashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha, Maharashtra
So many vacancies are available
including Registrar,
Finance Officer,
Assistant Registrar,
Personal Assistant,
Professional Assistant,
Technical Assistant,
Library Assistant,
Library Attendant,
Research Officer,
Laboratory Assistant,
Computer Operator,
Hindi Typist,
Language Associate
Online applications have been invited for appointment to various posts of Non Teaching. Interested and eligible candidates on the official website
After applying in online mode by December 02, the hard copy of the application form along with self-attested photocopies of educational certificates, photographs, and necessary documents will have to be sent by post to the University's address by December 09, 2022. For more information visit official notification
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Vacancy in delhi university
Vacancy notification out from Delhi university
Dr. BR Ambedkar University, Delhi has issued a notification for the appointment of a total of 09 posts of Assistant Professor in Hindi subject on contract basis. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online by 22 November 2022 at the official website For more details see official notification
JNU Ph D notification out
JNU PhD forms are out. Those who want to do PhD in JNU can fill out the forms. Exams will be held from 7 to 10
December. Link:-
Professor and Assistance Professor vacancies in Haryana
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Kurukshetra University, Haryana has invited online applications from Indian citizens
for appointment to a total of 82 posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor eligible candidates are required to apply online on the official website of Kurukshetra University by 01 November 2022. For more detail go through the official notification.
for appointment to a total of 82 posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor eligible candidates are required to apply online on the official website of Kurukshetra University by 01 November 2022. For more detail go through the official notification.
Notification out form Central university of Gujarat for Professor and Assistant Professor vacancy
Assistant Professor advertisement , 338 post
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Advertisement notice has been issued by Veer Kunwar Singh Vishwavidyalaya, Arrah, Bihar for the appointment of total 338 posts of guest and part time teachers in various departments/subjects of colleges affiliated to the university and the university. Eligible and interested candidates of the University
Application form in the prescribed format downloaded from the website along with self-attested photocopies of educational certificates, photographs and required documents by Registrar's Office, VKS University by Registered/Speed Post by 15 October 2022 Will have to reach
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official notification
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2022 UPSSSC PET Admit Card Released: On October 1, 2022,
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC) published the UPSSSC PET
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Admit Card available on
The UPSSSC PET Call Letter 2022 contains information on the reporting time, the location, and the time of the exam.
The UPSSSC PET Admit Card/Hall Ticket will be download in PDF form
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Official website are all included in this post.
How to download
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Visit to official website
Click on admit card link
Fill your PET registration number
Admit card will be available only online
Exam date. 15th October2022 and 16th October 2022
Exam. PET primarily Test
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PhD admission notification
PhD admissions in 2022 are based on PhD entrance exams. However, if you have cleared Ugc net exam that considers admissions based on merit followed by a personal interview
Important dates
Form application filling date.30/08/2022
Form submission last date . 30/ 9/2022
notification detail
for more detail You can visit official website
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Assistant professor and Principal latest vacancy
Important Dates
Online Registration
2. fee payment will start 27.09.2022
3. Form submission Last date 31.10.2022
4. Last date of final submission of Online Application form 31.10.2022
5. Last date for receiving of Hard Copy of Online Application
Reservations policy
The reservation under the SC, ST, OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), EWS and PwD
(Divyang Jan) categories shall be as per the UGC guidelines and Government of
India rule
Fee structure
Fees for Assistant Professor Rs. 2000/- for UR/OBC/EWS category.
• Fees for Assistant Professor Rs.1000/- for SC/ST category.
• No application fee will be charged from applicants belonging to PwD
• Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
note. After submitting form you have to send hard to college address
The Principal
C M P Degree College,
M G Marg, George Town, Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh)
Pin code - 211002
The details regarding eligibility, qualifications, experience and screening
guidelines etc. are available in UGC Regulations 2018 and its amendments
from time to time, for more detail see
For more Detail click on official link
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T.S. ELIOT – THE WASTE LAND Short Summary in Hindi
मैडम सोसोस्ट्रिस ने बात की थी। "व्हाट द थंडर सेड" शिफ्ट
समुद्र से चट्टानों और पहाड़ों तक के स्थान। वर्णनकर्ता बारिश के लिए रोता है, और अंत में वह आता है।
इसके साथ आने वाली गड़गड़ाहट बृहदारण्यक से निकली त्रि-आयामी उक्ति में प्रवेश करती है
उपनिषद: "दत्त, दयाध्वम, दमयता": देना, सहानुभूति देना, नियंत्रण करना। इनके साथ
आज्ञाओं, आशीर्वाद संभव है, सभ्यता के पतन के बावजूद जो चल रहा है -- "लंदन
पुल नीचे गिर रहा है नीचे गिर रहा है।"
महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य
बंजर भूमि के बारे में
1922 में प्रकाशित होने पर "द वेस्ट लैंड" ने सनसनी मचा दी थी। यह आज सबसे व्यापक रूप से है
बीसवीं सदी की अंग्रेजी भाषा की कविता का अनुवाद और अध्ययन किया। यह शायद आश्चर्यजनक है
कविता की लंबाई और उसकी कठिनाई, लेकिन आधुनिक जीवन की एलियट की दृष्टि, जो कि घिनौने आवेगों से त्रस्त है,
जब पाठकों ने पहली बार इसका सामना किया तो व्यापक उदासीनता, और व्यापक आत्मीयता ने एक पंच पैक किया।
बेशक, "द वेस्ट लैंड" एलियट की मूल रूप से तैयार की गई कविता नहीं है। इलियट का करीबी दोस्त और
सहयोगी, एज्रा पाउंड ने कविता को महत्वपूर्ण रूप से संशोधित किया, जिसमें प्रमुख कटौती और संपीड़न का सुझाव दिया गया। धन्यवाद
पाउंड के भारी संपादन के साथ-साथ सुझाव (विशेष रूप से उनके तूफानी से प्रासंगिक दृश्यों के बारे में,
शत्रुतापूर्ण विवाह) हाई-वुड से, "द वेस्ट लैंड" ने आधुनिकतावादी कविता को परिभाषित किया और संभवतः बन गया
सदी की सबसे प्रभावशाली कविता। एक वक्ता की आवाज से रहित, कविता निरंतर बदलती रहती है
इसके स्वर और रूप, इसके बजाय एलियट की पर्याप्त काव्य से कई मोहक आवाजों को एक साथ जोड़ते हैं
प्रदर्शनों की सूची; डांटे ने मंच को बकवास ध्वनियों के साथ साझा किया (एक तकनीक जो एलियट के सूखेपन को भी प्रदर्शित करती है
बुद्धि)। यह मानते हुए कि इस शैली ने आधुनिक दुनिया के विखंडन का सबसे अच्छा प्रतिनिधित्व किया, एलियट ने पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया
आधुनिक संस्कृति की बाँझपन और परंपरा और अनुष्ठान की कमी। इस निराशावादी दृष्टिकोण के बावजूद, कई
इसके पौराणिक, धार्मिक अंत को मानवता के नवीनीकरण के अवसर के बारे में आशान्वित पाते हैं।
"द वेस्ट लैंड" के अंतिम संस्करण पर पाउंड का प्रभाव महत्वपूर्ण है। कविता के समय
रचना, एलियट बीमार थे, अपने नर्वस ब्रेकडाउन से उबरने के लिए संघर्ष कर रहे थे और खराब हो रहे थे
एक दुखी शादी। पाउंड ने उसे समर्थन और दोस्ती की पेशकश की; एलियट में उनका विश्वास और प्रशंसा
चरित्र सूची
बयान करनेवाला
कविता के पात्रों का वर्णन करना सबसे कठिन है, वह कई अलग-अलग आकार और रूप धारण करता है। पर
कई बार कथावाचक स्वयं एलियट प्रतीत होता है; अन्य समय में वह पूरी मानवता के लिए खड़ा होता है। आग में
उपदेश" वह एक बिंदु पर ग्रिल लीजेंड के फिशर किंग हैं, दूसरे अंधे भविष्यवक्ता टायर्सियस पर।
जब वह एलियट को प्रतिबिंबित करता प्रतीत होता है, तो उसके विचार जिस हद तक आत्मकथात्मक हैं, वह अस्पष्ट है।
मैडम सोसोस्ट्रिस
एल्डस हक्सले के उपन्यास क्रोम येलो में एक प्रसिद्ध क्लैरवॉयंट का उल्लेख किया गया है और एलियट द्वारा उधार लिया गया है
टैरो कार्ड एपिसोड। वह एक बुरी सर्दी से पीड़ित है, लेकिन फिर भी "वह सबसे बुद्धिमान महिला के रूप में जानी जाती है"
यूरोप, / ताश के एक दुष्ट पैक के साथ।"
कथावाचक का एक मित्र, जो उसके साथ युद्ध में लड़ा था। कौन सा युद्ध? यह असपष्ट है। शायद पुनिक
युद्ध या प्रथम विश्व युद्ध, या दोनों, या न ही।
अमीर महिला
नाम से कभी नहीं पुकारा जाता, वह "ए गेम ऑफ चेस" के दीप्तिमान ड्राइंग रूम में बैठती है। उसका आभाष होता है
विलासिता से घिरा होना, लेकिन इसकी सराहना या आनंद लेने में असमर्थ। वह इलियट की पत्नी की ओर इशारा कर सकती है
ओविड्स मेटामोर्फोसिस का एक पात्र। उसके प्रतिशोध लेने के बाद, उसके बाद, टेरियस द्वारा बलात्कार किया गया था
अपनी बहन के साथ, एक कोकिला में रूपांतरित।
एक टाइपिस्ट
अकेला, आधुनिक दुनिया का प्राणी। उसके पास एक "यंग मैन कार्बुनकुलर" आता है, जो उसके साथ सोता है
उसकी। उसे फिर से अकेला छोड़ दिया जाता है, उसके साथ सिर्फ उसका दर्पण और एक ग्रामोफोन।
मिस्टर यूजीनाइड्स
स्मिर्ना का एक व्यापारी (अब इज़मिर, तुर्की में)। शायद एक आँख वाला व्यापारी जिसे मैडम
सोसोस्ट्रिस संदर्भित करता है।
एक फोनीशियन व्यापारी जिसे "डेथ बाय वॉटर" में पानी में मृत पड़ा हुआ बताया गया है। शायद वही
डूब गया फोनीशियन नाविक जिसे मैडम सोसोस्ट्रिस संदर्भित करता है।
UPSSSC has announced its recruitment announcement for 2022 for various posts . For recruitment eligibility, age limit, job eligibility, selection procedure, program and other information, please read the advertisement and then apply
DRDO has announced its recruitment announcement for 2022 for various posts . Qualified candidates will be posted in DRDO department
. For recruitment eligibility, age limit, job eligibility, selection procedure, program and other information, please read the advertisement and then apply.
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Assistant Professor vacancy notification out 19/9/2022
Advertisement notice has been issued by Ram Lal Anand College affiliated to Delhi University for the appointment of a total of 73 Assistant Professor posts in various departments/subjects. Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online at DU Assistant Professor Recruitment Portal, by 08 October 2022. For more details visit the official website of Ram Lal Anand College
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Another vacancy notification out
(a) Starting date of receipt of application against Advt No.03/2022
- 13 Aug 2022
(b) Last date of receipt of application for all States except the regions
mentioned in Para (c) below
- 26 Sep 2022
Last date of receipt of application for state of Assam, Meghalaya,
Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim,
Ladakh Division of the State Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul and Spiti District
and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of the State Himachal
Pradesh, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep.
- 11 Oct 2022
(d) All applications will be received centrally by GREF Centre, Pune
(e) List of eligible and non-eligible candidates for issue of call letters will be
prepared centrally at GREF Centre Pune.
Control Number for applications will be considered in 08 digits and it will
be used as Index No while conducting OMR based written test.
(g) Age criteria for above trades are fixed as under:-
18 years
27 years
for general and 5 year relexation for reserves categories
How to Apply
click on official website link
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Robert Frost Facts
Robert Frost Awards:
1. Pulitzer Prize for Poetry (In 1924, he won the first of four Pulitzer Prizes for the book New Hampshire: A Poem with Notes and Grace Notes. He would win additional Pulitzers for Collected Poems in 1931, A Further Range in 1937, and A Witness Tree in 1943.)
2. American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal for Poetry (1939)
3. Robert Frost Medal (1941)
4. United States Poet Laureate (1958)
5. Congressional Gold Medal (1960)
6. Bollingen Prize (1963)
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One word substitution
One Word Substitution | Phrase |
Mariticide | The killing of one's husband |
Parricide | The killing of parents |
Genocide | The killing of a whole race |
Infanticide | The killing of a newborn child |
Regicide | The killing of a king |
Homicide | The killing of a human being |
Suicide | The killing of oneself |
Patricide | The killing of a father |
Matricide | The killing of a mother |
Fratricide | The killing of one's brother |
Sororicide | The killing of one's sister |
Uxoricide | The killing of one's wife |
Dipsomania | Morbid compulsion to keep on consuming alcohol |
Kleptomania | Morbid compulsion to steal |
Bibliokleptomania | Morbid compulsion to steal books |
Pyromania | Morbid compulsion to start a fire |
Megalomania | Morbid delusion of power, importance or godliness |
Nymphomania | Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a woman |
Satyromania | Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a man |
Monomania | A person with a one-track mind |
Mythomania | The compulsion to tell lies |
Mania | Madness with an obsession with something |
Figures of speech
Hyperbole: An extravagant statement; to give emphasis or to give heightened effect exaggeration is done for it and this is
Types of Poems
A poem that has five lines and creates a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines 1 through 4 are made up ofwords, phrases or clauses while the first word of each line is in alphabetical order. Line 5 is one sentencelong and begins with any letter.
Poetry that certain letters, usually the first in each line form a word or message when read in a sequence.
A poem that tells a story similar to a folk tale or legend which often has a repeated refrain. Read moreabout ballads.
Poetry which has three stanzas of seven, eight or ten lines and a shorter final stanza of four or five. Allstanzas end with the same one line refrain.
Blank verse
A poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter and is often unobtrusive. The iambic pentameter formoften resembles the rhythms of speech. Example: Alfred Tennyson's "Ulysses".
A poem written about one self's life, personality traits, and ambitions. Example: Jean Ingelow's "One Morning, Oh! So Early".
Poetry that treats a serious subject as humor. Example: E. E. Cummings "O Distinct".Canzone
Medieval Italian lyric style poetry with five or six stanzas and a shorter ending stanza.
Carpe diem
Latin expression that means 'seize the day.' Carpe diem poems have a theme of living for today.
Poetry with five lines. Line 1 has one word (the title). Line 2 has two words that describe the title. Line 3has three words that tell the action. Line 4 has four words that express the feeling, and line 5 has one wordwhich recalls the title. Read more about cinquain poetry.
Poetry which holds the principles and ideals of beauty that are characteristic of Greek and Roman art,architecture, and literature.
Also known as "size poetry". Concrete poetry uses typographical arrangements to display an element ofthe poem. This can either be through re-arrangement of letters of a word or by arranging the words as ashape. Read more about concrete poetry.
This type of poem is two lines which may be rhymed or unrhymed. Example: Walt Whitman's "To You".
Dramatic monologue
A type of poem which is spoken to a listener. The speaker addresses a specific topic while the listener unwittingly reveals details about him/herself.
Oxymoron: When contradictory terms or words appear side by side, there will be always Oxymoron.
Metaphor : Here comparison is not direct but indirect or not could be called as implied comparison between two unlike objects that actually have something important in common.
Lyric .A lyric is a short poem that expresses personal emotions or thoughts of the speaker.
Personification .In this figure of speech non – livings, objects, abstract ideas or qualities are spoken of as persons or human beings.
Irony. When one thing is said which means the exact opposite is Irony. On the other hand irony the words used suggest the opposite of their literal meaning.
TGT PGT quiz on Shakespear
1. The line “There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow” occurs in
Explain:- SPEECH Hamlet to Horatio in Act V, Scene II in Hamlet. When Horatio warns Hamlet that he will lose the duel with Laertes, he reveals that he’s decided to give in to God’s “providence” i.e. fate. The reference to the “ fall of the sparrow is from Mathew 10.29 . Hamlet argues with Horatio that God controls everything even something as trivial as a sparrow’s death.
2. “The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance.” This line occurs in Shakespeare’s
Explain:- this is Prospero’s speech in “ The Tempest” in Act V, Scene I. By this statement, subtle revelation after years of living in exile and plotting his return to Italy. The Tempest’s emphasis on mercy and forgiveness are hallmarks of Shakespeare’s “ romances” i. e. four plays (The Tempest, Pericles, The Winter’s Tale and Cymbeline) written late in the playwrights career. Prospero's capacity to forgive those who have betrayed him, Miranda’s empathy, Ariel’s mercy, and Gonzalo’s though fulness dramatize the triumph of the human spirit.
3. William Shakespeare belonged to the
Explain:- William Shakespeare belonged to the Elizabethan Age. This age is remembered as the time of a great wave of English nationalism. The Renassaince in England coincided with the reign of Elizabeth –I who was the Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 until 1603-50. It is often referred to Elizabethan age or period. The arts flourished under Elizabeth-I. Her personal love for poetry, music and drama helped to establish a climate in which it was fashionable for the wealthy members of the Court. Shakespeare was known as the best playwrights during the age.
4. “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale/ Her infinite variety”.
5. Fortinbras is a character in Shakespeare's.
Explain:- Fortinbras, a young man is a character in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”. S everal characters will reflect Hamlet, but Fortinbras is the first to be named in the play in whom we see a likeness to the Prince of Denmark.
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